IBS Italy

International Biometric Society - Italian region

The society


The Italian Region of the International Biometric Society (SIB – Società Italiana di Biometria) aims at a transversal and synergic integration of biostatistics with biomedical and statistical disciplines.
The mission of the Society is to promote the quality of teaching and research initiatives based on Biostatistics at the center of a network of cooperation between universities, IRCCS, Hospitals and Biomedical Industry at national and international level in order to encourage the spread of biostatistics and biometrics culture as specific and highly specialized professionalism. This figure encompasses, in its most modern forms, various sectors, from statistical and computational methods in biomedical and related sciences (e.g., environmental sciences, veterinary), to the methodology for bioinformatics data in genetics and genomics.
A further objective is the integration of the Italian Region with other European and Mediterranean area IBS regions and with scientific societies at national level.
SIB has also the aim to provide informative and scientific support for the young statistician who approaches Biostatistics facilitating the cooperation among stakeholders, be they individuals, public or private companies that carry out their activities in the field of scientific research, education and training, promotion of biometrics and its applications.

Historical notes

In 1947 the International Biometric Society decided to establish a new organizational structure that comprises National Regions of IBS. After an initial proposal of Buzzati-Traverso and Georges Teisser for a joint Italy-France region, the project was abandoned in 1949 in favor of the creation of an autonomous Italian region.

In 1953, during the Third Conference of the International Biometric Society in Bellagio (Como) the birth of the Italian Region of the Biometric Society (SIB – Società Italiana di Biometria) became official (in the June 1953 number of Biometrics a dedicated section speaks for the first time of the activity of the Italian Region of IBS) under the names of C. Barigozzi (Vice President), LL Cavalli-Sforza (Secretary), and R. Scossiroli (Treasurer).

IBS Italy © 2016-2018 email:info@ibs-italy.org