IBS Italy

International Biometric Society - Italian region


The Italian Region of the International Biometric Society (SIB – Società Italiana di Biometria) is a nonprofit society promoting the advancement in biological sciences by means of quantitative methods as well as the development, dissemination and application of mathematical and statistical techniques  in this broad range of contexts. The Society welcomes as members biologists, mathematicians, statisticians, and all scholars interested in this interdisciplinary setting.

Individuals may join the Society as regular members and are also recognized as members of the International Biometric society. The members receive free online access to IBS publications, a significant reduction of the subscriptions fees for the paper version of these journals, pay reduced registration fees to IBS conferences and receive further services provided to IBS members.

Furthermore, SIB offers free membership to students (no fee required) and a reduce fee for retired members.

Membership fees for the IBS Italian region are due by December 31st for the Subscription of the coming year.

Membership optionsPayment due by
December, 10 (2022)
Payment due by
December, 31 (2022)
Ordinary member
- has online access to all IBS publications70,00 €85,00 €
- receives a hard copy of JABES80,00 €95,00 €
Retired member
- has online access to all IBS publications50,00 €60,00 €
- receives a hard copy of JABES60,00 €70,00 €
Student member*

- has online access to Biometrics, JABES e Biometric Bullettin

Complete the membership form and send it back with proof of the payment or a document that certifies the status of student.

Membership fees should be paid by bank transfer. The bank details are given below:

Bank: Unicredit
Branch: Via di Novoli, 85 / I – Florence 50127
Payable to: Italian Biometric Society
IBAN: IT59X0200802847000400809758

Insert as specification: Name, surname subscription IBS Italy 2024 (+ name of the paper version of the journal of interest).

or via Satispay

IBS Italy © 2016-2018 email:info@ibs-italy.org